DIY All Natural Mascara Recipe

home mascaraDid you know that you can make your own natural mascara and get rid of the toxic conventional ones?

It is critical that you exercise extreme caution and care when applying the more conventional mascara types or other similar makeup products.

Have you been searching for a DIY natural mascara recipe that actually works? If you choose to go the natural and frugal way, then you will be happy to discover that you can actually make your own natural mascara. Below are recipes you will find helpful if you choose the natural option that exposes you to absolutely no risks.

Some people experience severe itching and reddening of the eyes that is caused by the harmful ingredients used in the production of conventional mascara. The reactions come about due to ingredients like aluminum powder, butylparaben, benzyl alcohol, or methylparaben. You can save yourself from eye complications and other risks by avoiding the toxic substances. It makes so much sense to use the all natural alternatives, which are as good as the conventional ones.

If you are not so keen on buying mascara, you can simply opt for the DIY option and make your own and use it for 3 months. You will discover below that the process is quite simple and takes very little time. Moreover, you just need natural and safe ingredients. Natural mascara darkens eyelashes without exposing the wearer to health issues.

DIY Mascara



  1. Mix the beeswax, aloe vera gel, and coconut oil in a clean saucepan and heat up the mixture over low heat, then stir until everything melts. This should take approximately 4 minutes.
  2. Remove the mixture from the heat and then add charcoal powder and let the mixture cool down.
  3. Put the mush into the sandwich bag and squeeze it to one corner.
  4. Make a small hole in the other corner of the sandwich bag. Then put the tip in the mascara tube. Squeeze out the slush into the tube slowly until everything is emptied from the bag. Make sure the tiny hole end is securely inside the tube.
  5. Feel free to use your new mascara like other conventional makeup products.

The natural mascara does a fantastic job separating, darkening and conditioning eyelashes.

Note: You don’t necessarily need to put it in mascara tubes. Even a clean container with a lid will do. You may use the wand to apply the mascara on your eyelashes.

The recipe is quite simple. Probably the difficult step is getting it in the tube. To make this process easier, consider using a long syringe.

You may also find some alterations that include Vitamin E oil and castor oil. Vitamin E oil is a natural preservative while castor oil is helpful for treating dry eyes and strengthens the eyelashes.

You may also make your own mascara without beeswax, especially if you’re allergic to most bee products. instead of using beeswax, you might want to consider using 1 teaspoon of bentonite clay that helps harden and dry the makeup so that it does not smudge.

How to make your own mascara (using Vitamin E Oil)



  1. Melt the wax and the oils (vitamin E oil and coconut oil) together into a saucepan.
  2. Add aloe vera, then the activated charcoal and mix well. Make sure you stir the mixture until it is completely incorporated and remove it from the heat.
  3. Transfer the mixture into your desired mascara container.
  4. Use as desired. Even though the organic mascara can be used for 4-6 months, you should dispose it off if you notice that it’s got a pungent or strange smell. Always keep the lid of the container tightly closed to prevent it from drying out.

You will notice that this method is very similar to the first one with only slight variation with the ingredients.

Important info about the organic ingredients

  • Activated Charcoal – This miraculous and inexpensive ingredient is particularly useful, thanks to its beauty and health benefits. Studies conducted so far indicate that activated charcoal is capable of absorbing toxins from the body. This explains why the ingredient is popularly used as a quick home remedy for treating pink eye, including numerous other forms of eye infections. Consequently, it is a good and useful addition for making natural mascara and it is also a good coloring ingredient when making your own eyeshadow.
  • Vitamin E Oil – A natural preservative that will keep your natural mascara useful for several months.
  • Beeswax – A widely used thickening agent in the beauty industry. In addition, it helps stabilize mascara. It stiffens without causing it to harden. Beeswax also hydrates, condition, and makes your lashes waterproof.
  • Aloe Vera – A well-known natural ingredient that prevents the mixture from becoming too oily. When you apply the correct quantity, it will make the blend smoother. Note that organic aloe is recommended for diy mascara. Even so, you can use your own aloe leafs.

Mascara Without Beeswax

If you get allergic reactions from using bee products, then you would obviously need to avoid using Beeswax. Thankfully, you can use bentonite clay or any other type of cosmetic clay. Bentonite clay is recommended for the simple reason that it hardens the mascara.

From the recipes provided above, you’ve just discovered the most simple methods that enable you to make homemade mascara from the comfort of your home. The natural diy mascara keeps your eyes looking gorgeous and healthy all day long. It provides you with a safe and natural option than resorting to the conventional products, which are mostly laden with harmful chemicals.

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